Quality Locksmith Brantford

Quality Locksmith Brantford works 24/7, offering emergency and non emergency services for anything that has t do with doors, locks, and keys. Our Quality Locksmith Brantford is around the city at all times, so call for our help today. Call Quality Locksmith Brantford at any time! We work day and night for you!

Quality Locksmith Brantford

Quality Locksmith Brantford

Exterior door-frames are often with masonry mix; the same material to cement the cinder blocks together as the wall is being built.  The typical frame installed in a block wall opening is full with masonry mix; as the wall is built up around the frame.  Masonry mix, once it’s dry, is porous.  This means it has pockets that can retain moisture for extended periods; and the fact that the masonry mix is in direct contact with the backside of the door-frame; means moisture is held in intimate contact with the steel jambs for prolonged periods. 

We can repair, replace and install any kind of door, at any time you call for us.

Gravity pulls the moisture down through the masonry mix, and as a result; the bottom of the frames gets exposed to moisture the longest. This is why the bottom of the frames typically rusts before the other portions of the frame.

The corrosion of steel door-jambs is not limited to frames from the exterior openings.  There are numerous instances of corrosion to frames particularly in high humidity; or salt environments,as those along the coastlines.  Even without the masonry mix, in these environments; the moisture gets into the frames and entry doors; and, since the environment is by nature high humidity; it rarely does anything completely dry out; and the steel is once again subject to corrosive attack.

Once this corrosion is on, it will continue unless the section of the frame with rust is completely out. Our teams can do everything that has to do to repair, replacement and installation of any kind of door; at any time you call for us. Quality Locksmith Brantford is having teams standing by to serve you around the clock; and year-round for your convenience. Call us now!