24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call

24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call is the one that answers fast to your service needs for any kind of door, including garage doors as well. When one of the doors on your property is not working well, 24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call  is the one you have to place. For a fast service, place the 24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call today!

24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call

24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call

Review your owner’s manual for the garage door. If you do not have a manual, look for the model number on the back of the door, or check the lock handle, hinges; or other hardware for the manufacturer’s name and ask for a manual from the manufacturer.  Look at the garage door springs, cables, rollers, pulleys, and other door hardware for signs of wear. Suspect problems?  

Call us to have a qualified person make repairs.

Periodically test the balance of your door. Begin with the door closed: If you have a garage door opener, use the release mechanism so you can operate the door by hand when doing this test. You should be able to lift the door smoothly, with little resistance. It should also stay open around three or four feet above the floor. If it does not, it is out of adjustment. Call us to have it adjusted by a qualified service professional.

Make sure your opener has a reversing feature. If a reversing feature is not present, the opener should be replaced. Test the reversing feature every month. First, test the balance of the door. If your garage door is properly balanced, proceed.

With the door completely open, place a 1-1/2″ thick piece of wood  on the floor near the center of the door. Push the transmitter or wall button to close the door. The door must reverse when it strikes the obstruction. If the door does not reverse, have it repaired or replaced. Call us to have a qualified technician adjust, repair, or replace the opener or door.

Test the force setting of your garage door by holding the bottom of the door as it closes. If the door does not readily reverse, the force setting may be excessive and need adjusting. See your owner’s manual on how to make the adjustment. 24 Hour Locksmith Wellesley Help Call is coming to your side in 15 to 20 minutes to service your doors.