Emergency Locksmith Cambridge Service
Emergency Locksmith Cambridge Service will get to you fast whenever you call with a lock and door trouble your property has. Call for our Emergency Locksmith Cambridge Service for a reliable help and affordable prices. Our Emergency Locksmith Cambridge Service is always around you, so call us 24/7!
We have teams all around the city, ready to come and help you improve the safety of your home. Call us at any time. If security is at the top of your list, having a deadbolt lock on your front door is the best solution. Having a key-hole on the outside and a thumb-turn latch on the inside; when a key is used, these types of locks work by inserting a sturdy metal bolt into the door-jamb.
A locked deadbolt means the heavy bolt is in place within the door-frame; adding a barrier to make prying the door open or kicking it in much more difficult to accomplish.
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Not only is a front door deadbolt lock a perfect option for most home owners, but it is also strong for its size, as well as cost-effective. For a more secure lock system, ask us about combining a deadbolt lock with a knob lock.
Lever-handle locks are a popular choice for interior doors; but are also found installed on back doors that open up to patios. This type of lock lets the user push down on the handle to open it; instead of twisting a knob left or right. Because the lock is typically a button pushed or twisted, handle locks do not require a key.
Sometimes, as an extra safety measure, an inside handle will need to be lifted; and then the button will need to be pushed or twisted before it will unlock. Because these types of locking mechanisms are within the handle (similar to how knob locks work), they are not recommended to use as your only front door lock.
If you have questions about the types of locks that would work best for your home, call our Emergency Locksmith Cambridge Service today!
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